Shantnu's Profile Picture

Hi, I'm Shantnu

I have a thing for computers and programming languages. I love to build things that help people ease their life or make them happy.

About me

Front End Expertise


Backend & Database Expertise


Deployment & DevOps


My Projects

Technical Look Thumbnail

Blogging website

A blogging website made with by using MongoDB, Express, NextJS, NodeJS and Tailwind CSS. It is a full stack web application. The website consists of a admin dashboard and proper middleware to authenticate the admin. The admin can add, edit and delete the blog posts. The POST, PUT & DELETE are protected routes and only the admin can access these routes.

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Movies List Thumbnail

Movies List

This is an open source project which is made using NextJS for fronted and backend. The data is stored in a mongodb database. The website has a admin dashboard and proper middleware to authenticate the admin. The admin can add, edit and delete the movies. The POST, PUT & DELETE are protected routes and only the admin can access these routes. This is similar to a notes app but a little bit out of the box. This website uses IMDB API to fetch the data of the movies.

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Suduko Thumbnail


This is a suduko game made using pure HTML, CSS and JS. This has realtime input validation with dynamic puzzle generation. This is a fun project to play with. I made this app because my nephew likes to solve suduko but he doent have newspaper access to their house so he uses some shady online site which has alot of ads and popups. So I made this app for him to play with.

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HTML CSS JS Editor Thumbnail

Online Code Editor

A HTML, CSS & JS online code editor to write and execute code online through a browser. The website is made in pure JS and HTML. The website is hosted on Vercel.

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Minify code Thumbnail

Minify Code

As the code we write consists of some white spaces which takes some space, to reduce the size of the code we can use minify code. To ease the minification of the code process I have created a website which can minify the code.

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